By: Diocesan Media Team
IMBISA standing committee came to Eswatini to launch the Golden Jubilee of its existence since 1975, the celebration will be held next year 2025 in the country.
By: Diocesan Media Team
IMBISA standing committee came to Eswatini to launch the Golden Jubilee of its existence since 1975, the celebration will be held next year 2025 in the country.
By Sheila Pires (SACBC)
The Denis Hurley Peace Institute of South Africa (DHPI), in cooperation with the Technical University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS), and other Catholic and civil society organisations is holding an international symposium in Nacala diocese, Nampula province, north of Mozambique. Continue reading “International symposium”
By Pope Francis
“Let us pray that Catholics place at the centre of their lives the Eucharistic Celebration, which transforms human relationships profoundly and opens up an encounter with God and their brothers and sisters.”
By Gugulethu Dlamini
Bishop Mandlenkhosi Zwane was a man who overcame a number of barriers to justice and peace, including the following:
Cultural indifferences – through his support, vision and caring ministry to both South African and Mozambican refugees as well as the SADC region.
Conceptual difficulties – by welcoming the idea of the community extension programme He was delighted by the community extension programme facilitated by Prof. Stan of eSwatini, and he requested that the initiative be extended to his church. But then, he realised he needed skills on the programme, so he requested permission from his church to attend a course on community extension programmes. Continue reading ““He lived among us””
“We pray that people who suffer from depression or burn‐out will find support and a light that opens them up to life.”
Pope Francis – November 2021
Overwork and work-related stress cause many people to experience extreme exhaustion —mental, emotional, affective, and physical exhaustion.
Sadness, apathy, and spiritual tiredness end up dominating people’s lives, who are overloaded due to the rhythm of life today.
Continue reading “Pope’s prayer: People who suffer from depression”
by Fr N. Vilakati
Click here for Sunday’s readings
You are nor rock, nor hard surface, but “The fertile ground where the seed that has fallen has yielded a fruitful harvest”.
Many people are so much of pessimist, about life, about love and other pertinent issues affecting their lives. This 15th Sunday in ordinary time, let us look at things on a positive perspective about the self, others and God. Looking at the parable of the sower today, we could jump to the conclusion that only a negligent or wasteful farmer would sow seeds where obstacles to growth are so many. We could be tempted to say, by sheer luck or unexpectedly good weather could assist the farm to be profitable in the end. On the contrary we see that Jesus’ message is that God’s reign is at hand. The point of the parable is that the farmer has not wasted his seed in you, just as much as God never gives up on you. Continue reading “Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary time – Year A”
by Fr Mark James OP
When we normally think of the Holy Family we think of the perfect family. Jesus, Mary and Joseph were the holiest of families otherwise why would God have chosen them for the task of raising his Son. However, is this the reason why God chose them? If we take the incarnation seriously then there is good reason to recognise that this family too had its share of hardships.
In today’s gospel, we see Mary and Joseph suffering the anguish of having thought they had lost their child. It took them three days to find him again. Mary even asked Jesus: ‘Why have you done this to us? We have been so worried?’
by Maduduza Zwane
On the weekend of the 10th to 12th August 2018 the St. Johannes Sodality of the Vicariate of Ingwavuma held their annual and elective conference at the Star of Sea Parish in KwaNgwanase.
The Swaziland Council of Catholic Men (SCCM) was invited to this St. Johannes Sodality conference in the Vicariate of Ingwavuma. The SCCM came to the conference in a reasonable number to the Conference. The members of the Council in all were Twenty-Two. Individual members of the St. Joseph Sodality attended the conference as individual members of the SCCM and as well as members of the St. Joseph Sodality in Swaziland. The delegation from Swaziland was led by Father Rodney Khuluse the Regina Mundi Parish Priest in Piggs Peak. Continue reading “SCCM and St Joseph Sodality visit Star of the Sea”