by SACBC media office
For the first time in history, the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference has two Cardinal.
We shared a couple of minutes with them. Continue reading “SACBC Cardinals”
by SACBC media office
For the first time in history, the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference has two Cardinal.
We shared a couple of minutes with them. Continue reading “SACBC Cardinals”
by Sheila Pires
The Liaison Bishop for the Dennis Hurley Peace Institute (DHPI) has called on social action commissions of the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC) to “journey together” in assisting the social works of the Catholic church in the region. Continue reading “A call to journey together”
“In the light of the turbulent times we are going through, we, your Bishops, invite you, Brothers and Sisters, to join with us in reciting this prayer daily in your homes, schools, at gatherings and at the end of Mass especially on Sundays. We ask that this prayer campaign be launched on the solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady – 21 August – until further notice.”
(Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference – SACBC – Botswana, eSwatini, South AFrica)
Continue reading “Prayer campaign for Southern Africa”
By Innocent Maziya
The 10th World Meeting of Families took place in Rome from the 19th to the 26th June under the theme: “Family love: a vocation and a path to holiness.” The highlight of this meeting was the Celebration of Mass on Sunday, 26th June 2022, presided over by His Holiness Pope Francis. One of the main objectives of the meeting and the celebration was to once again bring focus to the Family. As the domestic Church, the family is the cornerstone of our Catholic Community and thus needs to be strengthened through prayer and active formation. Continue reading “Family: the cornerstone”
by Bishop Jose Luis IMC
Pope Francis mentioned the humanitarian crisis in the area during the “Urbi et Orbi” blessing on Easter Sunday. Later on, he surprised Bishop Luiz Fernando Lisboa (Bishop of Pemba) with a phone call:
Today, August 19, 2020, at 11 pm, to my surprise and joy, I received a call from His Holiness, Pope Francis who comforted me greatly. He said he is very close to the Bishop and all the people of Cabo Delgado and is following the situation experienced in our province with great concern and has been praying for us.
At least twice this year, the Bishops’ Conference of Mozambique (CEM) raised their concerns about the situation in the area, assuring their prayers, supporting the local bishop and calling for an end to the conflict:
Having heard the testimony of the situation of great tribulation in which our brothers and fellow citizens of Cabo Delgado are immersed, we want to assure our prayers for all the victims and to express our empathy, communion and solidarity with our brother Bishop, Luiz Lisboa, and to appreciate the witness of pastoral concern that he has boldly and tirelessly given (13 June 2020)We express our fraternal closeness to the brothers and fellow citizens of Cabo Delgado and assure them of our constant prayer in the hope of finding paths of dialogue that will facilitate the end of the terrible conflict and the humanitarian drama (14 November 2020)
The Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) then decided on a two-day solidarity visit to the Bishop of Pemba and the people of Cabo Delgado. Through the Dennis Hurley Peace Institute (DHPI), Bishop Victor Phalana (Diocese of Klerksdorp), Sr Tshifiwa Munzhedzi OP (SACBC Associate Secretary General), Johan Viljoen (DHPI Director) and myself left for Pemba on December 2.
What did we see?
We also saw the “good shepherd” heart of the Bishop of Pemba. “We now need to rethink completely our pastoral work in the diocese” he shared during the visits.
At his initiative, priests, who now live in Pemba after their churches and homes have been destroyed, gathered during the week people arriving from a certain area to pray together or for the celebration of the Mass. In this way, they meet again, they update each other on missing relatives, and plan for their future.
We also witness the spirit of the people who do not give up and put the best of themselves to rebuild their future and the one of their families.
The visit was particularly intense and the more we talked and visited, the more we remained with unanswered questions: why so much silence? Not many seem to know about the tragedy affecting our neighbouring country. Who is behind this war? Any war makes us all poorer but someone clearly is benefiting from it. One fears that easy answers are offered to avoid going deeper in the causes… In the meantime hundred of thousands of families have lost everything and many more will experience the same fate unless something is done.
Click HERE for photos of our visit
by Fr Paul Tatu
Together with the celebration of the Year of Mercy in 2016 the Holy Father, Pope Francis emphasised the importance of marriage life. The Pope called upon all the Bishops around the world to give special attention to the proper formation for marriage life, accompaniment of the married couples and to address the challenges facing the more closely. Continue reading “SACBC Conducts CEE Program in Manzini”
On Sunday 28 January 2018, the bishops of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference gathered at the Catholic Church of the Beatitudes (Archdiocese of Pretoria) to celebrate the 200 years of the Church in Southern Africa.
Below is Bp Siphuka’s homily
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Some years ago Archbishop Slattery, then bishop of Kokstad and I attended a SECAM theological colloquium at St. Augustine, with very high-powered figures, Cardinal Pengo, Cardinal Tumi, and other priests theologians from the continent, and he also delivered a paper there. Continue reading “‘We are all asked to be committed to the Mission given to us’”
By Bp José Luis IMC
The first plenary session of this year started on Tuesday evening with the celebration of Mass at St John Vianney seminary. While the seminarians are on holidays, the bishops use their bedrooms and other facilities.
Being in Pretoria, not far from our offices, priests, religious, friends and everyone working at the SACBC is invited for the celebration of the Mass … and supper!
Mass was presided by the SACBC president, archbishop Stephen Brislin (Cape Town) and bishop Graham Rose (Dundee) was entrusted with the homily. Continue reading “Pontius Pilate, a prophet for our times”