By: Bp José Luis IMC (Bishop of Manzini)
At the beginning of the Season of Creation we gathered at St Theresa’s Clinic thanking God for the gift of the recently installed solar panels
Below is my address and the prayer we shared
Click HERE for photos of the event
“In 2015 Pope Francis wrote an encyclical letter called “Laudato Si” about the care for creation, our common home.
He writes:
Never have we so hurt and mistreated our common home as we have in the last two hundred years. Yet we are called to be instruments of God our Father, so that our planet might be what he desired when he created it and correspond with his plan for peace, beauty and fullness. The problem is that we still lack the culture needed to confront this crisis. We lack leadership capable of striking out on new paths and meeting the needs of the present with concern for all and without prejudice towards coming generations. (53)
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