Blessing of solar panels

By: Bp José Luis IMC (Bishop of Manzini)

At the beginning of the Season of Creation  we gathered at St Theresa’s Clinic thanking God for the gift of the recently installed solar panels
Below is my address and the prayer we shared

Click HERE for photos of the event

“In 2015 Pope Francis wrote an encyclical letter called “Laudato Si” about the care for creation, our common home.

He writes:  

Never have we so hurt and mistreated our common home as we have in the last two hundred years. Yet we are called to be instruments of God our Father, so that our planet might be what he desired when he created it and correspond with his plan for peace, beauty and fullness. The problem is that we still lack the culture needed to confront this crisis. We lack leadership capable of striking out on new paths and meeting the needs of the present with concern for all and without prejudice towards coming generations. (53)

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Covid-19 PPE donation

By: Tracy Jele 

COVID-19 has greatly impacted the Eswatini healthcare sector, which has been met with monumental challenges in trying to cope with and respond to the pandemic. One of those major challenges has been the short supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers. Each and every day the healthcare workers risk their lives and improvise with what is available so as to continue providing healthcare services to the people of Eswatini, and as a result, the lack of PPE has propagated the spread and exacerbated the pandemic.

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CWL graces Christ the King

by Maduduza Zwane

The Catholic Women’s League in the Diocese of Manzini ascended to Christ The King Parish on May 19th, to grace the Parish by pinning (Kwamukela laba Nqonqotsako) six members at the Parish.

The Catholic Women’s League does charity work, care for the needy with love, and are very much concerned about this benevolent duty. The league has connection worldwide and links hands with people of other religions. Members are motivated to do their charity work by their theme “Thuma Mina” taken from Isiah 6:8 (Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”)
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St. Joseph Sodality Feast

by Maduduza Zwane

Last Saturday the 23rd February 2019, twenty-four (24) members of the St. Joseph Sodality in the Diocese of Manzini met at the Bishop’s House to mainly deliberate on the preparations for the Feast of St. Joseph this year.

The feast of St. Joseph is held on March 19 each year to show hospitality to the patron saint of fathers, families, workers, and the Church . Because the 19th falls midweek, the feast will be held on the 23rd March. This year the sodality resolved that the feast of St. Joseph be held at St. Philips in partnership with the Commission for Justice and Peace. There will be presentations on church issues, the life of St. Joseph, health matters and justice in peace. Refreshments will be shared with the disadvantaged and vulnerable. All these activities will happen after mass which will be followed by an adoration of the Eucharist and benediction. Continue reading “St. Joseph Sodality Feast”

New Principal at Good Shepherd College

Speech by the Principal of Good Shepherd College Sotah Mahanya after commissioning by Bishop Jose Ponce de Leon I.M.C

Rt. Rev Bishop Jose Ponce de Leon I.M.C, Parish Priest Fr. Mabuza, Fr. Makama, CEO, GSH Management, Guest Speaker Mrs. Lwazi Dlamini-Mhlabane, College Academic and Nonacademic staff and Students.

I want to greet you all and I am very appreciative of the large congregation gathered here to honor our College.

This occasion gives me a sense of belonging and importance to the institution; I am delighted to take up the role of Principal at Good Shepherd College. I thank God Almighty for granting me this. Continue reading “New Principal at Good Shepherd College”

“Three” topic CWL retreat

by Fikile Ndlovu

OLOA CWL held their retreat on the 16th June 2018 at the Salesian Hall joined by all CWL parishes. It was joy to have close to 100 CWL members attending the retreat. Different speakers made beautiful and remarkable presentations on various topics.

1. MARRIAGE AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH by Fr Ndwandwe- Marriage in 5 elements
References Gen 2:19-24, Rev 19:9, Ephesians 5:31, Gen 1:28
1. A covenant- surrendering in love to one another through their relationship.
2. A partnership- partners are responsible for their actions, no enforcing of one’s values on the other.
3. For the well being of the spouse and the children.
4. Marriage must be between man and woman.Church discourages same sex and polygamous marriage.
5. Marriage is intro-sexual and not a status Continue reading ““Three” topic CWL retreat”

Not the “bushfire” but the one of the Holy Spirit!

By Bishop Jose Luis IMC

Last December I wrote to the priests, religious sisters and parish pastoral councils letting them know the idea of launching the “Sodality of St Cecilia” in the diocese of Manzini. I knew them from the time I served in Daveyton in the (now) archdiocese of Johannesburg. The decision was part of the steps we are taking to improve our liturgies.

The sodality of St Cecilia commended by the church is an association of choristers, men and women, who ensure the proper performance in the celebration of the sacraments and encourage the active participation of the faithful in the singing of sacred music in the liturgy” (from their constitution)

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