Called to holiness

By Maduduza Zwane

Listening to the Word, participation in sacramental life
and charity services are ways to holiness says Fr Dumisani Vilakati

Fr Dumisani Vilakati based in Rome at the Vatican was invited by Christ the King Parish to make a presentation on how the parish can do better and what parishioners should do to make the parish grow.

Fr Vilakati in his presentation informed congregants that a vocation is not restricted to priests and nuns. Everyone is called to holiness. This phenomenon was arrived at in the meeting of Bishops on Vatican II that everyone is called to holiness. The Bishops when deliberating at Vatican II around 1964 tried to define what the Church is. The Bishops then issued a document called Lumen Gentium meaning the light of the nations. Chapter 5 of this document states that all people are called to holiness.

He told the parishioners that the Church must grow in quality and quantity. Parishioners must not come to Mass and go. Each and every one should do something for the parish such as being a catechist, deacon, lay minister, cleaning the church yard, and so on. In this way the church will grow in quantity because by the actions of the parishioners more people will join the parish.

The same applies with sodalities. They must have quality membership and not members who attend meetings and been seen again in the next meeting. They do not add value to the sodality. It is through actions of the sodality members that membership can increase.

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