by SACBC Justice and Peace Commission
During the Holy week and Easter, Catholic bishops in South Africa, Botswana and Eswatini have used the social media platforms to preach the Risen Christ and inspire hope in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. For the benefit of those without access to social media, we present a selected collection.
Bishop Duncan Tsoke – During the Covid-19 crisis, do not be afraid, God is still in charge
It has now been several weeks since our country, like many
others around the world, decided to do a lockdown as a response to the COVID-19 crisis.
Although separated during the lockdown, we are called to remain united in faith and to be in solidarity with the most vulnerable among us, the homeless, the elderly, the orphans, the migrants and refugees, domestic violence survivors and all the neglected. Our faith in Christ can sustain and empower us through this difficult and trying times. The Spirit of God calls on all us to believe that our God is in charge even in these chaotic and frightening times. Faith in the Resurrection is the sure sign that God is still in charge.
For many, there might be some confusion at these challenging times. Some may raise questions about loving and saving power of God, the resurrection, life after death and the COVID-19 Friends, I am convinced that God’s light cannot be overcome by darkness. His love is stronger than COVID-19 and death. Do not therefore be afraid. It is important for us to remember and find solace in God’s love which continues to conquer death in our daily life. The Resurrected Christ will be with us during and beyond this COVID-19 crisis. As we struggle with this national lockdown, let our faith give us strong sense that we are not alone but interconnected. My prayers are with those infected and affected by COVID19 during this difficult time.
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