by Fr Dumisani Mazibuko OSM
This Sunday we celebrate the Revelation of Jesus to ALL Nations of the world as their King. It is a Sunday as St Paul says, ‘the mystery has now been revealed’. Today’s Feast therefore is a cause for great joy for all peoples including ourselves in this part of the world. This is our Feast too. It is our Feast because the new born King is not just for the Jews or a select few but for All God’s people. And so we begin our celebration with hearts full of joy and thanksgiving to God our loving Father.
The first reading and the gospel seem to allude to the following:
- God’s light has arrived. The light of the world has come.
- This light has already set upon God’s chosen people. And we are God’s chosen people.
- God’s glory is already is here. It is upon us.
- This light and glory is for all God’s people including you and me today in our various contexts.
- This glory and light is the King f Kings, Jesus the Lord.
- That Jesus is not only King but he is the High Priest, we see this in the gifts the wise men from the East bring Him particularly the incense
- That Jesus, the Glory and light of God’s people is on mission to die in order to save the world. This is symbolized by the gift of myrrh. It was later used on in Him after His crucifixion.
- The three wise men have strong desire to worship the new King, they searched for Him with an undying spirit. Could we model our search for truth and peace with the spirit and vigor no matter the cost?
Like the wise men from the East, what are we going to bring to the new born King of world today? Gold, incense, or myrrh? Is he looking for these from us? We do not carry or have neither of these, so what could we bring to Him? I believe the best gift we could offer to Jesus is our hearts and let Him grow in them and fill us with His fresh love and grace and truth.
As we celebrate the Extra-ordinary Missionary Year as a Diocese, I believe each one of us could bring their heart into the Missionary activity of the Church and bear the glory and light of Christ that we receive on this Feast of Epiphany.
The mystery has been entrusted into our hands to bring it forth. It is up to us to reveal this wonderful and saving mystery into world. And so we do not only adore the Baby Jesus we bring his love and grace to the world.
Fr. D. Mazibuko osm
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