by Hloniphile Bhiya
Makadvunyiswe Jesu Kristo
Young members of the church (M.D.C) have established the Saint Aloysius for the church. It’s main objectives is the well being of the students in the outstations.
The Foundation is named after the patron Saint of young students, Saint Aloysius. It was created after identifying challenges faced by students in the outstations.
The foundation is currently helping the students with school uniforms and is asking for donations in the form of school shoes, school bags, or monetary donations. For more information pertaining the donations please contact Hloniphile on 78894481. Other donations can also be left with the church secretary.
Today marked the debut and inaugural event where uniforms were given to the needy children of the Outstation schools of M.D.C. On Wednesday 12th July, we visited St Manetus (Malanti) where we donated 142 school shirts, 2 pairs of school shoes and 192 school socks. Overall, they have 220 students in that primary, the need is still quite high. We humble ourselves as we ask for more donations to help these young young souls as they mend the way into their future. We would like them to look forward to going to school, privileged or not.