The Church family of God is a servant. This is recounted in the Lucan parable of the faithful steward (Lk 12:41-44).
The parable shows us what is expected of the steward. He is a zealous, competent and honest worker. He distributes food ration to the servants, counts the expenses of maintenance of their clothes. He is a responsible economist and commercial agent who supervises the herd, manages the oil factory, construction and salaries. Aware and faithful, he is trustworthy. As a reward, he is given even more important responsibilities.
This parable can inspire a spirituality of engagement of socio-professional categories and political actors. The second African synod studied it in a particular way. The human and religious formation of the laity must be strengthened, relying on the Word of God and the social documents of the Church. It is necessary to accompany, if possible in an ecumenical context, the various socio-professional categories, including those of the politicians and the military. The Christian should be a real model for other socio-political and military decision-makers, such as “salt of the earth and light of the world “(Mt 5, 13-14).
Continuous the meditation: Salt of the earth and light of the world
The disciple of Christ, united to his Master, must contribute to forming a just society where all can participate actively with their own talents in social and economic life. They will be able to earn what is necessary for them to live according to their human dignity in a society where justice will be vivified by love.Christ does not propose a revolution of the social or political type, but that of love, realized in the total gift of his person by his death on the Cross and his Resurrection. On this revolution of love are fused the Beatitudes (Mt 5, 3-12). They provide a new horizon of justice inaugurated in the paschal mystery and through which we can become righteous and build a better world. The justice of God, revealed to us by the Beatitudes, raises the humble and lowers those who exalt themselves. It is realized in fullness, it is true, in the Kingdom of God which will be realized at the end of time. But the righteousness of God is already manifested where the poor are comforted and admitted to the feast of life (Benedict XVI, Africae Munus,26).