Second Sunday of Lent “B”

by Fr M Makama

The story of God instructing Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac which is recounted in the first reading requires us to recognise that to Abraham Isaac
was the son who would lead to descendants as numerous as the stars of the sky. In the face of the barreness of his wife, Abraham had welcomed the
unexpected birth of his son Isaac, especially after the his son, born to a slave-girl was sent away together with his mother.

To sacrifice Isaac was therefore a real test of his Faith in God, a test in his confidence in The providence of
God for to give up his son would really be to give up himself. To God what really matters is Abrahams whole-hearted dedication and undivided attention rather than the blood of Isaac, God stops Abraham from sacrificing
his son and provides a ram instead.

In the Gospel the setting is also a mountain. Here the disciples are given a glimpse of the glory of Jesus, the
Glory which will enable him to overcome his suffering and death which he
has spoken about earlier. Just as God assists Abraham to overcome his need
for a son so has God used the suffering and death of Son to bring about our
reconciliation with him. Through this God shows himself as being for us and
no situation or circumstance can be victorious over us.