By Diocese of Manzini
Our Christmas’ time seems always marked by sharing. It is normally not seen. Not many know it. One discovers it sometimes in social media groups.
It is a particular way of sharing.
I remember being in a parish where people would exchange gifts during the Christmas’ feast.
This is not the case. Our sodalities seems to remember the passage where Jesus says: ‘When you give a lunch or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relations or rich neighbours, in case they invite you back and so repay you. No; when you have a party, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; then you will be blessed, for they have no means to repay you and so you will be repaid when the upright rise again.’ (Lk 14: 12 – 14)
The Daughters of St Anne went to Matsetsa (Lubombo district) to feed children for Christmas. The place had been indicated by Caritas Swaziland.
The Christ the King (Hlatikulu) St Joseph’s Sodality brought groceries to the Servite priests serving St Joseph’s parish. The presentation of gifts was done by the chair and vice chair person. They were accompanied by St Anne’s members.
The Catholic Women’s League (CWL) shared their story: “When the new St Peter & Paul parish started, we were 10 members coming originally from the Cathedral parish. We were later joined by some within the parish. Last November a total of 10 new members joined us and were pinned and enrolled as full members.
Following our slogan of CHARITY, WORK & LOYALTY we were able to organise and pack food hampers for the under privileged, which we presented to the church.
Each outstation will have 6 hampers, then visit the needy with the priest, pray with them, give moral support and offer the little that we have. We intend doing this yearly and doing more charitable activities.”