Christmas’ carols at the Cathedral

Like we do every year before Christmas, in the evening of Wednesday 20 December we met outside the Cathedral for our Christmas’ carols.

It is a beautiful way to prepare ourselves to celebrate Christmas. In our busy lives with so many things to do, with so many things to get ready, we stop for a moment to pray together with the help of the Christmas’ story.

We are led by children. Even at Christmas is a child that brings us together!

Our children tell the story and represent it. We had the Angel Gabriel, Mary, Joseph, Herod, Shepherds, men from the East, sheep and camels…!

Every scene of the story was followed by prayer through carols.

The story, the children, the hymns… everything becomes prayer and preparation for the great gift we celebrate: that God-is-with us (Matthew 1:23)

We are grateful to the children and to the parents who took extra time to take the children to the Cathedral to prepare the celebration. Grateful too to those who prepared the children and all the details.

Click below for photos of the event (Flickr)

2017SZ_OLOA Carols